Blue River Anthology


Herman Krieger

(B.F.A. Term Project)

(As it was in 1994)

Main Street

Jerry and Nadine Clocksin

Pete McKnight's Garage

Pat Stanley (1943-2000)

Jan Fleshman

Ed Stanley

Mary Welch

Terri Hamlow

Old Liquor Store

View from Vicki's Cafe

Rick Hazelton (1951-2000)


Tavern Garage

Off-street Parking

Ben Rhodes

Village Green

Between Innings

Tim Kee's House

Twyla and Glenda

Frank Winegart (1915-2003) House

Clotine (Coco) Minick

Mickey Pennington




Treece Family

George Treece (1918-1997)

Steve Jones

Terry Herndon

Rick Myron

Bert Boskoop

Ed Ziest

Dave Oberce (1950-2005)

Frances O'Brien (1901-1995)

Lane County Historical Museum

* The above photos were made with a Zeiss Super Ikonta B Camera

Frances O'Brien died in 1995, the year after the photographs were taken. She began teaching at the Blue River School in 1925, and started a free library that was never locked. Frances was named the McKenzie River citizen of the year in 1981, and chosen as Lane County's outstanding volunteer in 1984. She was Blue River.


Blue River, Oregon is on the west side of the Cascades, and 40 miles east of Eugene.

Blue River Aftermath


E-mail: hk(at)
Copyright 1994