Field Trip to Frenchglen

of the

Willamette Valley PhotoArts Guild

by Herman Krieger
with Rich Bergeman and Allan Doerksen

Between Bend And Frenchglen several stops were made.

                                In Bend, Allan points out the direction to Herman

At a rest stop before Burns

At a resting place after Burns; the Sunset valley Cemetery


Aerial view of Frenchglen

Frenchglen Hotel

John Ross oversees the dining room

My room for three nights without TV, radio, newspapers, or Internet

Amy with Drover watch over the general store


U2 Saddle and Gun Shop

Frenchglen Elementary School

Clint lives next door to the school, where his wife teaches

Public Cell Phone?

Public rest stop

Short visit to the Long Barn

Outside the Long Barn

Inside the Long Barn

Along the Steens Mountain Loop Road

Sagebush country

One of the smaller lakes (with rock fish)

The aspens have lost their color

Other trees of interest

On the brink of Kiger Gorge

Little Blitzen Gorge

Views from the East Rim, looking toward the Alvord Desert

Wild Horse Canyon Overlook

Big Indian Overlook

Wild horse overlook

Along the way to Malheur Wildlife Refuge



Rich getting up speed²

Rushing along the Malheur Center Patrol Road

Benson Pond

Along the road, we encounter Catherine painting the rushes

Buena Vista Overlook

View from Buena Vista 25 years earlier

Alan, Malheur Visitor Center

Malheur Visitor Center front lawn

Sod House Ranch office, root cellar, and outhouse

Sod House Ranch corral and long barn

¹ Allan's livestock, ² Richs' clouds


E-mail: hkrieger(at)