Hobby Field


Herman Krieger

Up, Up, and ... Away?

To the Ghost Fliers in the Sky

Scotty, May He Fly in Peace

Club House for Homebuilt Aircraft Hobbyists,
Low Riders for High Fliers

Slower Aircraft Have the Right of Way

Meter Free Parking,
but overnighters are asked to leave $2.00 in the mailbox.

Playground for Breanna and Regan

Stalled Aircraft


Shelley, Airport Manager

"Crash", Named After Surviving a Hard Landing.
(He has eight more to go before soloing)

Ron, Very Handy Man During the Weekends

Darrin, Chief Mechanic and Owner of Viper Aviation

Ed, pilot and Creswell City Airport Commisioner, with Lucca
Lucca isn't allowed in the plane, she sheds too much hair.

It's the Cool Thing to Do

Glen may buy an old plane rather than an expensive homebuild kit.

Dorothy and Jack with Dooby
Dorothy is the flight instructor and owner of Take Wing.

Jess is a flight instructor with About Time Aviation.

Paul, About Time Aviation flight instructor, and their fleet of Cessnas.

King on a stopover flight from the Eugene Airport,
where he is Chief Flight Instructor at LCC Aviation Academy.

Mark also takes aerial photos from his Luscombe.

Virgil needs a tow bar and some muscle to get plane out of the hangar.

Gary spent nine years building the RV-6A in his garage.
Now they both have a permanent home at Hobby Field.

Bill is going on a test flight in his Piper Cherokee.
There was a question of adjusting the control of roll.

Donna, waiting to go on a ride with Jim.

Jim, waiting to refuel his 60 year old Luscombe.

Malcolm, on a visit from the Eugene Airport, flies a rare homebuilt RV-1.
He also designs and builds recumbent bicycles.

Maddie drove over from Coos Bay to make a parachute jump.

Elizabeth came with Maddie, but keeps her feet on the ground.

Kendra and Brooke are waiting for clouds to clear for first jump.
The sisters, from Wasilla, Alaska, are enrolled at SW Oregon CC.

Mike takes jumpers up, then gives them a nudge.

Cabu ( from Hawaii) looks after the jump suits and parachutes.

Beware of lurking photographers.

General Aviation News

Photographer as Air Cadet during WWII

Creswell, Oregon is located 12 miles south of Eugene.
(or 13.9 miles south of the Eugene Toy and Hobby Shop)


E-mail: hk(at)hermankrieger.com

May 2011