Comments on the Photo Essays

Word-ly Ones


- Elaine Pagels
  Dept. of Religion, Princeton University

- Peter J. Gomes
 The Memorial Church, Harvard University

- Sister Wendy Beckett
 Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham, Norfolk, UK

It's a real pleasure occasionally to cut through the pabulum on the Internet and discover an oasis of creativity. Your good work is the January "pick" site on the American Religion Links Page. I am proud to feature it.
- Briane Turley
 Director, The American Religious Experience
 Managing Editor, The Journal of Southern Religion

Not only are you an excellent photographer, but very creative with thoughts, symbols, and words.. Well done!
-Yuri Koszarycz, Senior Lecturer in Religion
 Australian Catholic University

As a Zendaojubap (A Baptist enamored by Zen, Daoism, and Judaism), I thought your parade of pictures delivered as much insight as Updike's ROGER'S VERSION. Hooray for the juxtaposition and its service to the great MYSTERY.
- Russell Gregory, Professor of Religious Studies
 Radford University

Beautiful and witty work, thanks Herman.
-Wendy Robinson, Instructor of Ethics and the Internet
 Dept. of Religion, Duke University

Love your pictures--laughed until (ummmm....) it hurt....
- Walter Krueger
 Concordia University, Portland

I enjoy the artistic humor of "Churches ad hoc". Blessings on your continued artistry.
- Walter Snyder, Pastor
 Holy Cross Ev. Lutheran Church, Emma, Missouri

I visited your home page after weeks of reading your cogent, often humorous and biting quips on the Atlantic's Post and Riposte. Your photography is as playful and cogent as your prose. By the way, I pastor a small church in Washington DC and thoroughly enjoyed your poking through the pious facade. "Sign of the Crossing" was my favorite.
- Michael Bledsoe, Pastor
 Riverside Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.

What a treat to see the images. They are great. You have a delightful sense of humor.
The calendars are finished. I am very pleased. When I saw your "Churches ad hoc" I thought they might work on our 1997 calendar. Thanks for sharing your creativity.
- Mike Pearson, Pastor
 Dove of the Desert Methodist Church, Glendale, Arizona

I love it. I am a United Methodist Minister and I'd love to use some of the photos on my personal page as a link to your site.
- John Brantley
 United Methodist Church, Winterville, Georgia

What fun it was to stumble onto these photos! The artistry comes not just from one medium, but from the combination of your subtle photography and anti- Pharisaical wit. Really liked "Carpal Deum", but the favorite is "Our Lady of Hell's Angels".
- Ann Marshall-Nemeth, Supervisor of Women's Ministries
 Moody Bible Institute

We enjoyed your collection of photographs. Being a photographer myself, I appreciate imaginative photography. Thanks again for giving us permission to use some photographs in The Joyful Noiseletter.
- Cal Samra, Editor
 Fellowship of Merry Christians

Would you mind if I posted a picture every week and directed the curious to your web site for more?
- George Lawson, Publisher
 Marantha Christian Journal

Very nice shots. Can we use them in HEAVEN, our web site?
- Michael McCarthy
 Catholic Digest

It' all very playful, tongue in cheek and just a lot of fun
- Pr. Russell Saltzman, Editor
 Lutheran Forum Letter

I added your wonderful page to the Religious Art and Photography section of: Religious Images and Icons, and Art. I really like what you've done!
- Susan Brumbaugh, Dept. of Sociology
 University of Colorado

I did enjoy your "Churches ad Hoc" book. You are not only quite talented, but you have a rich sense of humor. I really enjoy the unique combinations you discovered and brought to life with your camera. I have added your page to my personal favorites. All your work is worthy of further study. I am an amateur photographer and I just like to look.. drink in.. your photographs.
- Ed Rutherford, Pastor
 Orange Hills Assemble of God

There's a Noah's Ark church near Seaford, Del. which would make a neat subject for your page. As a devout Lutheran, I do like your page very much. Keep up the good work!
- Vera W. Rieck

Your site is really great- amusing and thought-provoking. And I find myself especially tickled because it reminds me of something in my own life. My father and step-mother own/run a business that is a Beauty Salon/Church in Savannah, Georgia. She does hair and preaches and he holds a Sunday Mass in the back room. I found it utterly hilarious that the supply closet was also used as a confessional of sorts.
Funny and quirky and quite charming... If you're ever in that area, you should check it out.
- Tasha Jones

We think that your photos are clever and you obviously have an eye for your surroundings. Would you mind if we used some of your pictures for church related ministry mailings (ex. a letter of encouragement for somebody who is down).
- Greg, Tara, and Mikayla Rye

Happened to find a link on the Rainbow Humor page & found your talent & humor VERY refreshing! Kudos to you for showing that God, too, has a sense of humor. I Love "Immaculate Delivery" and "Pope's Answer to Luther".
-Preacher's Kid from Massachusetts

Your portfolio on churches is very well done. As a preacher's kid, I find more humor AND truth in many of your comments.
- Paul D. Molyneux, Ohio

How nice to see your work. I saw one of your exhibits in Eugene some months ago and wrote to you then, and was happy to receive your reply. Nice to see your exhibit on the Web. I found the link in ANGLICANS ON-LINE. What an eye, and what a theological sense you have.
-J. A. Frazer Crocker, Jr.

We saw your terrific display at the Cornerstone Festival. Your web site is wonderful! When a book is available, please post a message on the Usenet newsgroup. A whole bunch of the newsgroup folks really enjoyed your work.
-Dave Draeger

The great majority of all readers will be thoroughly entertained and engaged by the pages of this largely photographic volume. As you read and study the photos in "Churches ad hoc", you will be drawn to the subtle, the common, and the humorous as the vehicle by which religion is seen as universally evident.
Rev. Ann P. Adams, Reviewer
UMC Baltimore-Washington Connection

Where were you when I was desperately searching for a photographer to provide illustrations for my book? (I wish you'd written the review too. At least you have a sense of humor!) Thank you profusely.
Ron Grimes, Dept. of Religion & Culture
Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada

I have added a link to my web site, and have alerted various forums of Episcopalians. I particularly like what you did with St. Bart's in NYC. I ate in that cafe, but also had the main Mass as well.
Louie Crew, Prof., English Dept., Rutgers
Chair Newark Deputation to ECUSA

We laughed quite a bit especially at the "Plenty of Gas and Hot Air". Your photographs reminded me of the verse, "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light," Matt 6:22 and the verse right before it. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." God bless you!
Rachel Kuhn
Christian Renewal Ministries

I really enjoyed your photo essay on churches. Great work. I made a Bookmark for the classes I am teaching here.
Bjorn Krondorfer, Assoc. Prof. of Religious Studies
St. Mary's College of Maryland

I find your photo essays truly delightful.
Fred Niedner, Professor of Theology
Valparaiso University, Indiana

It's a brilliant and wonderfully funny book. Here at the office we are loving your photos. They add a graceful touch of humor, which those of us in the liturgical renewal movement need these days.
David Philippart, Editor
Liturgy Training Publications, Archdiocese of Chicago

I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your website. I'm a photographer, too, and have been for about 55 years. You've given me some ideas for photography. Better yet, as an Episcopal priest, you've given even better ideas for sermons!
Fr. John Elledge, Rector
St. John's Episcopal Church, Havre de Grace, Maryland

My favorite was "The Pope's Answer to Luther".
Brett Younger, Pastor
Broadway Baptist Church, Ft. Worth, Texas

Hee-Jin Kim, Professor Emeritus
Religious Studies, Univ. of Oregon

I enjoyed viewing the photographs and I think the church photos would be particularly enjoyed by Unitarian Universalists. I would like to display some of the photos on our site.
Eric Einem, Webmaster
Unitarian Universalist Church in Fullerton

You have a clean eye and a wry sense of hubris. I liked it!
Rand Winburn, Director
Protestant Reformation Publications

Your "Churches ad hoc" photo essay was brilliant! Your just-off-center perspective is a refreshing drink of laughter for thirsty Christians everywhere.
Jerry Dodson, Pastor
Northside Presbyterian Church, Melbourne, FL

Wonderful Photojournalism poking fun at the church world! As a Pastor of an Evangelical congregation, I find it refresing to look at our self-imposed seriousness and laugh out loud!
Rev. Dr. Kenneth P. Beres
Bristol, Rhode Island

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. You have brought me grace, refreshment, hope, giggles, and intellectual stimulation. Your message was such an oasis in a sandstorm of hate from fundamentalists and others of limited imagination.
The Rev. Mark E. Stanger
Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA

Rev. William Sloane Coffin
Strafford, Vermont

Martin E. Marty
Riverside, Illinois

I enjoy your photos very much. They are beautiful - I will return to them again and again. You have a generous and warm way of seeing life.
Fr. James Stephen Behrens
Monastery of the Holy Spirit, Conyers, Georgia

Your photographs are interesting in a number of different ways. You must have had fun writing the captions. I am adding "Churches ad hoc" to the American Bible Society Library.
Jacquelyn Sapiie, Library Services Supervisor
American Bible Society, New York, NY

Mill mercis pour ces incroyables photos et légendes !
Gilles Castelnau, Pasteur
 l'Église Réfermée de France

Rt. Rev. John Shelby Spong
 Morris Plains, New Jersey

Thank you for letting us use the photo, "Disestablishment", for our book cover!

Rebecca Vaughan-Williams, Biblical and Religious Studies
 Continuum Books, London

Thanks for calling your "Churches ad hoc" to my attention. It is truly divine comedy. Your eye for visual irony provides a welcome relief from the all-too-often somber self-righteousness of religion. And your wit is a worthy complement to the aphorisms of that first-century Jew from Nazareth, who delighted in puncturing the pretentions of the super-pious.
Mahlon H. Smith, Dept. of Religion
 Rutgers Univ, New Jersey

Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
 Episcopal Diocese of Nevada

Fine black and white photography of American churches, with some very witty captions. Nominated as the 'site of the month'.
Trevor Cooper, Council Chairman
 The Ecclesiological Society, New Malden, UK

Amazing and artistic photos with articulate and thought-provoking captions make a wonderfully witty and entertaining opus. A thousand thanks.
 Linda Einpaul
  Dearborn, Michigan

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To be sure, "The Pope's Answer to Luther" was my favorite. Somewhere I have a picture of an old church and graveyard. Two jets have gone by and created a large, vapor trail "X" above the church. It only awaits a caption by you.
-Larry Logan, Editor

Thank Herman, I just visited your site and thoroughly enjoyed myself. It's. among the best examples of satire on the Internet.
-J. Michael Raymond, Editor
 Contemporary Satire

It's a superbly entertaining site. You've got an original talent there, and I'm glad to see its fruits on display in the public domain. Your captions made me laugh out loud. I particularly liked "Church of the Rising Son". Splendid, splendid. If there's a book, I'd like to know where I can get it from.
-Jim Barratt, Editor
 Zealot Watch

A beautiful collection of photos showing the lighter side of church facades. Extreme pun warning.
-Jos Claerbout, Editor
 Culture Wars 101

Thanks for carrying on the tradition of laughing at religion!
-Kevin Courcey
 Eugene Atheists & Freethinkers

Enjoyed your photos tremendously. Especially chuckled at "Half Creed". And, an added dividend....the views of SE Oregon.
 Ethical Humanist Society of Greater Chicago

Enjoyed the humor of your site and hope you make it a book
-Greg Erwin
  Humanist Association of Canada

You're nuts, man. I really liked your site. There's way too many really complicated religious sites, but your's is just simplistic and hysterical. The more I thought about it, the more I had to laugh at things like your Flouridated Baptisimal. And those damn trees of heaven, we had those in our yard when I was a kid and had to rake them up, those goddamn trees from heaven!
-Binky BoDinky

What a HOOT! Your work was great and I had a very enjoyable time checking out your web site.
-Kova, a friendly freethinker

I truly enjoyed your site; as atheist, I laughed hysterically at the satire of common biblical quotes. If you ever publish those pics, I'll be among the first to buy a copy.
-Nick Bellamy

You manage to capture the essense of the hypocrisy that fuels all religions in a very clever and humorous style. Are your photographs only to be found on the net?
-Barbara Balding

I enjoyed the creative composition and captions. May I use a few of them in our eMagazine?
-Steven Clark
 Latterday Lampoon

In the March issue of MindKites, the Fringe d'Art will feature "Churches ad hoc". What Krieger has managed to capture in this book is the sometimes absurd ways in which we perceive religion, demonstrating it's pervasive influence in our lives. Superb photography is complemented by a keen eye for comedy.
-Isabelle Carruthers, Creative Director
 MindKites: Perceptions on the Fringe

It is refreshing to encounter a site whose art and wit remind us that, beneath our disparate ideologies, we are all human and can enjoy the grand fellowship of laughter together. My compliments on your artistry, but even more so on your marvelous tact and subtlety.
-S. A. Joyce

Thanks so much for your "Churches ad hoc". I love it! I got the idea for "America's Joyous Future" from looking at church signboards in New York and Los Angeles. It was great to look at churches through your eyes--and lens.
-Erika Rothenberg

-Tom Flynn, Editor
 Free Inquiry

-Robert Darnton, Professor
 Dept. of History, Harvard University

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Word-ly Ones

-James Kilpatrick, Columnist
 The Writer's Art

A sometimes irreverent photo essay on churches draws a variety of responses. Christians see devotion. Atheists see satire. Photographers see artistry.
To the diverse, boisterous masses of the Web, Krieger contributed a unifying icon, an image that was a success not because he set out to make a point, but because he didn't.
-Rebecca Fairley Raney, CyberTimes Columnist
 The New York Times, Nov. 16, 1997

-Peter Berger, Director, The University Professors
 Boston University

-Karen Armstrong
 Leo Baeck College, London, UK

-Eileen Barker, Professor of Sociology
 London School of Economics

Krieger has a knack for seeing the funny juxtapositions between churches and their surrounding, and coupling the photos with playful captions.
-Paul Buckley, Religion writer
 The Dallas Morning News, Nov. 21, 1998

A funny commentary on faith...doesn't preach to the choir.
-Carol Muller, Book Review Editor
 San Jose Mercury News, Dec. 27,1998

A double take on church and culture, which plays with words and images.
-Sandi Dolbee, Religion Editor
 San Diego Union-Tribune, Mar. 5, 1999

Krieger has an uncanny ability to come up with titles that often perfectly set off the content of the photographs. They often gave a wry twist to the point being explored in print.
-Fred Crafts, Critic at Large
 KUGN AM&FM, Register-Guard

Herman Krieger has managed to capture the humorous side of religion and church... I found myself laughing out loud as I browsed through the pages of this book on my flight to Dallas. I passed it on to others on the flight who were wondering what I was laughing about.
-Amy Nicole Urbanyi, Book Reviewer
 Pittsburg Live

I love your work! I have created a link to it from my "Divine Signs: Connecting Spirit and Community" homepage.
-Dr. H.L. Goodall, Jr., Professor and Head Dept. of Communications
 Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro

I love your church photos and the idea that you've used images of religious institutions for satire and in a humorous manner. A very nice eye! I'd love to use one of your photos in the next edition of my book on visual communication.
-Arthur Asa Berger, Professor of Communication Arts
 San Francisco State University

Under några veckor har vi publicerat bilder under vinjetten Kriegers kyrkor.
Bilder med lite kluriga texter.
Du som har tillgång till Internet kan se hela fotografen Herman Krieger utställning av kyrkobilder och andra bilder från vardagslivet i USA på hans websida "Churches ad hoc".
Herman Krieger berättar för SvD att många, både troende, agnostiker och ateister, roas av hans kyrkobilder med vidhängande texter, som år lite av en satirisk reflektion kring religiöst liv. Herman Krieger har arbetat 30 år i Holland och även besökt Sverige.
Dock har vi inte kunnat hitta några svenska bilder i kollektionen. Däremot, berättar han, är svenskar och andra européer oftast bättre än amerikanerna på att se de dubbla (ibland trefaldiga) meningarna bakom bildtexterna.
 Svenska Dagbladet, 26 oktober 1997

We enjoyed your humorous photos of churches. It will be a challenge to conceive of the right book or calendar applications, but I anticipate that viewing your work will be a treat.
-Dan Van't Kerkhoff
 Baker Book House

What fun! I am amazed that you've found such a lot and seen the potential in these sights as well. Something ought to be done with this. I'll try to think what.
-Solveig Williams
 Rizzoli Publications

Your works are great! Not just the composition and contrasts, but also your captions.
-Rachel McGrath-Kerr, Dept. of Communications and the Arts
 Canberra, Australia

Wow! Thanks so much for a wonderful Sunday surprise.
-Claire Stracke, Dept. of Language and Literature
 Augusta State University

Enjoyed particularly "Sign of the Crossing".
-John Talbot, Dept. of Latin and Greek
 Boston University

I loved the photos and your captions are wonderful. If you don't mind, I am going to add a pointer on my class syllabus website, Popular American Culture. I am hoping that just as the readings I ask my students to read leads them to synthesize and draw their own conclusions, access to your site will lead them to a similar "thinking" process.
-Gregg Thumm, Dept. of English
 West Virginia University

I just saw your photographs on your web page, and they are incredible. I especially liked "No Opiate of the Masses". In our internet literary magazine we publish two pieces of prose or poetry every two months, along with the best art pieces we have found. I hope you choose to submit something. It would be much appreciated.
-Sasha Paradis, Coordinating Editor
 Disquieting Muses

I think this is a very impressive collection of church photographs, but it needs a text and some sort of continuity or structure inorder to make a book.
-David R. Godine
 Godine Publisher, Inc.

"Churches ad hoc" is now linked to my satire page.
I've always wanted to find out more about satire in the visual arts, but haven't looked at much more than Hogarth. Thanks for pointing me toward Goya and Dadaism -- an attractive prospect for some rainy summer days in the library.
-Dr. Brian Connery, English Department
 Oakland University

I've just been looking through your excellent pictures. I would like to use some of them in an environmental magazine we produce in London, UK.
-Gavin Khanna, Deputy Editor
 Green Futures

I really like your pictures. They have a great wit about them. I would like to feature a picture on the main page each week of our eMagazine.
-Ashley Meyers, Editor, Social and Political Satire

Studies in religion can be ponderous and "heavy". Herman Krieger offers an alternative with his essay of religious life in the U.S. His photos and captions demonstrate a sharp eye for wit, humor and irony. In many ways, the essay functions as a projective test-- whatever your views regarding religion, you will find photos that bring a smile to your face. It's a kind of Rorschach test for one's spirit and humor.
-Michael Nielsen, Assoc Prof.
 Dept. of Psychology, Georgia Southern Univ.

I enjoyed the photographic essays. Some - particularly those taken in shopping malls - reveal something about the increasingly homogenized and corporatized public spaces in the U.S.
-James Hayes-Bohanan, Assoc Prof.
 Dept. of Geography, Bridgewater State College

In an upcoming issue of Illinois Labor Market Review, we are featuring a story on the economic impact of prisons. Would it be all right to use an image from your site in the story? You have taken some lovely pictures. I'm glad to have stumbled across your site.
-Rachael Halloran, Editor
 Illinois Labor Market Review

Not only do I have an interest in satire, but also in photography. I love your work! I'm contemplating ways to have my students use your site in order to "see" examples of irony, juxtaposition, sarcasm, metaphor, alliteration, literary allusion etc.
-Jerome Berg, Language Arts Dept.
 Granada High School, Livermore, California

You are doing what this medium should be all about.
-Rod Amis, Editor
 G21: The World's Magazine

I assigned my cultural studies class at Brooks to create their own photo essays. I liked your site so much that I provided a link to the site as an example of successful Photo Essays.
-Timothy W Scholl, Prof. Cultural Studies
 Brooks Institute of Photography

I love the way your photos reveal the irony of everyday life. You have a great eye
-Lawrence Wilson, Managing Editor
 Wesleyan Publishing House

What a treat! Don't usually see lovely photographs, humor, and religion all combined!
-Lizabeth Cohen, Director, Center for American History
 Harvard University

I'm doing some research for next season's Oregon Art Beat and stumbled across your wonderful website of photo essays. Delightful work.
I am sending you a VHS Video Cassette of the show, and a PAL version for your daughter in Holland.
Hope you like it, We've received lots of positive response already.

-Mike Midlo, Producer, OPB Oregon Art Beat
 Portland, Oregon

Thanks so much for the [Mall-aise] photo essay. May I share it with the students in my consumer society course? In fact, all the photo essays are fascinating. Congrats on your skillful eye.
-Sharon Zukin, Professor of Sociology
 Brooklyn College, CUNY

I greatly enjoyed your photo essay, "Mall-aise". I edit a quarterly newsletter that explores the link between consumerism, the environment, and our quality of life. I was very impressed with your eye, your sense of humor, and your ability to connect many of our issues by capturing simple consumer moments with such creative flair.
-Jennifer Errick, The Center for a New American Dream
 Takoma Park, Maryland

Your site is delightful --- the Mall-aise pictures are tragically funny. So many depressed people in those places.. "Tuned In" and "Tuned Out" made me laugh. And the Hamlets series is interesting.

-Sandy Sorlien, Chair, "Photography and Place 2004"
 Society for Photographic Education

I particularly like the Mall-aise series, humorous, damning and sad all at once. Wonderful.
-Lowell Boileau
 Detroit, Michigan

I enjoyed the "Mall-aise" images immensely. Yours is one of the strongest portfolios and probably the best on the theme of mall ennui I have encountered. Compositionally, mood-wise, and in regards to rich and deep b&w tones, the photographs have a strong feel of outstanding documentary photography. Bravo!
-Elena Kachuro-Rosenberg
 New York, NY

-Jim Farrell, Director, American Studies
 St. Olaf College

I would like to use some of the photos from "Mall-aise" in my course on consumer culture.
-Andrew Herman, Assoc. Prof. Sociology and Cutural Studies
 Drake University

The images [from "Mall-aise"] lack sophistication and range; the subject is superficially and selectively seen, rather than offering any insight or reflection into this cultural environment. The idea of visually exploring the shopper's 'paradise' is in itself promising; unfortunately, there isn't a real exploration here. Consumption, advertising and capitalist culture are quite evident at most malls and could be seen in any number of ways - with humor, disdain, puzzlement and even sympathy. The photographer has chosen to depict a narrow range of mall visitors with a cold mean-ness that is so consistent as to refer to the photographer rather than anything that might resonate with and inform the audience's experience.
-Anonymous reviewer,
Visual Communication Quarterly

Danke, habe mich köstlich amüsiert. Es ist wirklich eine Malaise…
-Karin Krentz, Wirtschaftsjournalistin
 Berlin, Deutschland

Your pictures are wonderfully grim and really portray the horrors of the mall. We would like to use them in our website. Our compliments also to you on the other essays, especially the Blue River series. These pictures really summarize the feel of the town and show with just a few images the dimensions, both positive and negative, of such a place.
-John Varennes, Editor
 Overcoming Consumerism

I liked your mall webexpo and your pictures very much. I am making a link to them from my home page. Great photos really. To take these kind of pictures you must have an open mind, be a traveller and interested in cultural differences.
-Dominique Bouchet, Professor, Dept. of Marketing
 SDU - Odense University, Denmark

I particularly love "Disestablishment".
-Noah Feldman, Professor
 New York University School of Law

The subject matter is eclectic, ranging from an essay on churches to one on the Dutch Photo Festival in Naarden. I personally like the Mall-aise essay. Krieger is not big on words, but the photos are excellent and compelling.
-Marshall Feldman, Assoc. Professor
 University of Rhode Island

I've enjoyed your photographs and would like to publish some of your work alongside the work of some really great poets.
-Larry Sawyer, Editor
 Milk Magazine

I spent some time on your website, which I must say is FABULOUS!
You are one talented and creative photographer, I would say who certainly has your own voice and a distinctive style, combining the visual with verbal humor. You have quite a sense of irony and dark humor.
Some of your photos could have been confused with those of Diane Arbus!
I am enjoying your book, "Churches ad hoc."
-Victor Bloom, MD
 Grosse Point Park, Michigan

Thank you for the use of the photograph [for our issue of 'Zoning Practice' on religious institutions]. Your eye and wit are much appreciated in my office.
-David Morley, Editor
 American Planning Association, Chicago, Illinois

From what I've seen so far, I consider Herman Krieger the master of captions: subtle, witty and very, very funny in a way that doesn't get old or become less clever after you have read it for the 10th time. This is a very rare and supremely well-executed craft.
-Adam McAnaney
 Frankfurt, Germany

His [Herman Krieger] camera captures, with compassion and wit, the contradictions and the beauty of the commonplace.
-Judy Brody, Graphic Witness
 Washington, DC

I use your photo essays as models to show how a short caption can still be very effective in communicating meaning, and how a series of photos becomes an essay through the 'thesis' that holds them all together. I also comment on the use of black and white as a strategic choice.
-Paul Shamchuk, Paul Kane High School
 St. Albert, Alberta, Canada

I liked your photos very much, both as pure art and also as a study of people and a culture at a particular time.
-Gerald Rosen
 San Francisco, California

Beautifully composed and witty.
-Dr. Paul-Francois Tremlett, Study of Religions, SOAS
 University of London

I enjoyed viewing your work. "Mall-aise" and "A Day in the Life of a Mobile Vet" were among my favorites. I am wondering if you would be interested in coming to speak to my class about the possibilities and challenges of photo essays. Your work and expertise will be very helpful to the students.
-Dr. Alison Schmitke, Education Studies
 University of Oregon

-Tom Toles, Political Cartoonist
 Washinton Post

Herman’s photo essays include everything from candid contrasts to captions that are as corny as anything you’d see in a flea market, but they are neither judgmental nor superficial. Instead, he achieves an intimacy with and understanding of his subjects that is rarely found among other hobby photographers. But I’m sure he would be the first to say that the photo essays are not about him, but rather about appreciating the small pleasures of ordinary life.
-Robert Hariman, Professor Communication Studies
 Northwestern Univ., Evanston, Illinois

Herman Krieger’s "Community Garden" is a heart warming photo, capturing as it does the quiet domesticity of home-growing foodstuffs. His use of a pinhole camera adds to the timelessness of the act of cultivation.
-Flora Graham, Online Editor
 New Scientist., London, England

It was an extraordinary pleasure to see your photography. The depth of understanding in your photography is the height of art. Your kindness and curiosity is vivid and telling within your photographs.
-William Kinney, Health Sciences Library
 University of New Mexico
 Albuquerque, NM

-David Mandelblatt
 LaneArts Council, Eugene, OR

Herman, very fine work, again, you do it just right! The Sumpter images are sumptuous! You are simply a great photographer. With wit, grace, and fine technical skill.
-Douglas Beauchamp, Executive Director
 LaneArts Council, Eugene, OR

On behalf of the staff of Lane County Historical Museum, I would like to express our appreciation for your time and effors in making such a professional looking photo exhibit [Blue River Anthology] in our gallery. Shows by people in the community are always a popular addition to our regular exhibits.
-Evearad Stelfox, Director, Lane County Historical Museum"
 Eugene, OR

I enjoyed looking at "See See Havana". I'm a Cuba art enthusiast, indeed..
- Jill Hartz, Ececutive Director, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
 Eugene, Oregon

I really like these pictures [from Cuba], Herman.
- John Jeremiah Sullivan, Contributing Writer
 The New York Times Magazine

[Church photo captions in "Churches ad hoc"]
Very, very clever and helpful. Thanks, Herman.

-Roy Peter Clark, Vice President and Senior Scholar
 The Poynter Institute
 St. Petersburg, Florida

I'm delighted to let you know that your submission to Legendary Landscapes has been selected for exhibition by the High Desert Museum! What a striking image, it really made me pause. Your "Panorama of Southeastern Oregon" series is wonderful. Your photos really highlight the beauty of what (I feel) is a largely underappreciated landscape.
- Louise Shirley, Curator of Natural History
 High Desert Museum, Bend, Oregon

I organize a monthly meeting about literature, art, history... in a bookshop called Traficantes de Sueños (Dream Leaders) in Madrid. On February 10th, we will welcome the Cuban writer Leonardo Padura. We'll talk to him about his latest novel: La transparencia del tiempo (The transparency of time). We've seen your work on Havana on the Internet. We think it's an excellent job and we would like to project some of the photographs in the meeting with Leonardo Padura.
Congratulations for your extraordinary photographs.

-Manuel Rodriguez
 Madrid, Spain

I really enjoyed wandering around your wonderful website. It is clear and well-organized. I really enjoyed the photo collection called “Neighbors.” There are dogs and cats and cars and garages, and it all builds to a sense of your great affection for these ordinary people living their lives in close proximity to each other. Your sense of humor comes through in other collections . Oh, and your gifts the top of your homepage is really surprising and funny, too.
-Sandy Brown Jensen, KLCC’s Arts Review Program
 Eugene, Oregon

-OSU, College of Agriculture
 Corvallis, Oregon

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I love it. You have a righteous sense of humor.
-Robert Altman
 Center for Electronic Art, San Francisco

I saw your photographs. I love them. Very sharp eyes and mind..!
-Didier de Fays, Fondateur Magazine, France

I liked looking at your essay! Well done! It's urban landscape, documentary, and humour all in one.
-Dr. Robert Leggat
 Royal Photographic Society

-Prof. Bill Jay, School of Art
 Arizona State Univ., Tempe

I enjoyed the site immensely. We'll add a review to PhotArchipelago.
-William Allen, Editor
 International Directory of Photography Historians

I just visited your web site and was highly impressed with the good wit in your photography and your well chosen titles. I invite you to show this body of work at ZoneZero. Again, my congratulations on your excellent work. Given that our site is bilingual, we may have a problem translating your "tongue in cheek" humor into Spanish.
-Pedro Meyer

"Churches ad hoc" is very clever and amusing, between the images and captions. I have shown it to a number of people, they all enjoyed it. You are a good photographer who enjoys what he does.
-Costa Manos, Magnum photographer
 Boston, Mass.

-Christopher and Ruth Burkett
 Vernonia, Oregon

Thanks for sharing your web page...your captions for the church series are as good as the your eye.
-Dick Swanson
 Washington, D.C.

Great idea! I'm still chuckling as I write.
-Bill Schwab
 Detroit, Michigan

My brother sent me a clip about your work that was published in the Eugene Weekly. It gave your Web URL which I just visited. I love B&W work, high quality, and good humor. You have them all exhibited on your page. I will suggest to my colleagues at Photoforum and Photoart that they also peruse your page for insight into architech and the light touch.
-Bob Rosen

I enjoyed your slant a lot. I think you should put this all in a book.
-James Wintner, Editor
 PhotoArts, Colophon

I really liked the panorama photos - I've got an old Horizon camera like the one in your self-portrait and I love it. Where are your Russia photos?
-Bill Swersey

I very much enjoyed your panoramic photos of SE Oregon. I wonder if I could trouble you by asking which camera you utilized for these, as I am hoping to buy a Panoramic camera.
-Craig McArthur

I loved your panoramic photos; I wish I had your skill so that my contemporary photos of Detroit would look even close. Care to pass along any tips?
-James Moran

I just called up your site and discovered my first web photographic soul brother - please excuse the effusion. I've just begun to go through your site but I love your punning combinations of word and image.
-Dennis Roth

Greatly enjoyed your religious photos. I have been documenting our South Central storefront churchs in Los Angeles, and found your take on churches entertaining and well thought out.
-Jerold Kress

Wonderful images - many thanks. Sometimes the best photo renditions only require a viewfinder!
-John Stevenson

Great shots. I am a newspaper photographer in New Zealand. I have been trying to organize myself to do a photo essay. Now that I have viewed your site I have recharged my creative cells and feel ready to go.
-Andrew Gorrie

Thanks for the wonderful photos. You have inspired me, a strictly utilitarian photographer, to take another look at the world.
-Gretchen Donart

To make a gross understatement, I really enjoyed your homepage. I've only just started taking black & white photos as a serious creative pursuit and your photos are a true quirky inspiration to me.
-James Batchelor

Fantastic work. I am a journalism, creative writing, and photography high school teacher. My creative writing students used your images as inspiration for poetry (great way to help teach about "concrete images"). I am also using your site for my photography students - hoping to motivate them to get out and use their cameras (black and white of course).
-Flint Shoop, Northwest High School
 Omaha, Nebraska

I did like your site. Photo essays aren't as easy to accomplish as many people think. Yours do what a photo essay should, they give the viewer a sense of place and character. More than just being nice photos, yours make sense.
-C. Elizabeth Vest, Photojournalism Editor

I thought I would do some surfing while eating my dinner tonight and was fortunate to end up at your homepage. My favorite kind of photography is shooting different types of people in everyday life. Your images are truly incredible.
-Mike Smyth

I have thoroughly enjoyed your photo essays. It's very refreshing to find such artistic, humorous, and truthful expressions on the Web.
-Jim Miotke, Editor
 SnapShot and BetterPhoto

Although Herman Krieger spent 30 years as a computer programmer, his black and white images exhibit a sense of humor that is too often lacking in contemporary photography. This wit combined with his obvious photojournalism skills produce images that will make you smile while you marvel at his technical and people skills. At a time when photojournalism seems limited to getting the one big picture that runs on page one, the essay appears to have gone out of favor. Krieger's web site should be in your bookmarks so you can see that it's alive and well.
-Joe Farace, Columnist
 Shutterbug Magazine

I am a photography student, and I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your photo essays. I have been recently doing a documentary photo essay myself on a small town in Florida and looking at your work was both inspiring and encouraging. You have an excellent eye for composition and design as well as a sense of humor.
-Sherri Sparks

Your work is captivating, emotional and spontaneous. I would like to make a suggestion; Your images speak volumes on their own. Therefore, try leaving the captions out of one of your essays. Your photographs are powerful enough without the catchy phrase below it. Not many photographers have the ability to be "unseen". You have what I refer to as the "wall-flower gift"!
-Paul Barnett

Voor mij typisch Amerikaanse foto's ze geven voor mij een goed beeld van wat USA eigenlijk is. Duidelijk in een traditie van Winograd and Frank etc. Het bookje maar ook deze foto's van de kerken geven een verrassende invalshoek ten opzichte van religie en geloofsbeleving. Het is erg mooi dat mensen met verschillende levensopvatting hun eigen draai aan de foto's kunnen geven. Dat betekend dat de je als kunstenaar geslaagd bent om mensen hun fantasie in werking te laten treden. De andere essays zijn erg goed, mijn persoonlijke voorkeur gaat wel naar de niet men's foto's. Volgens mij ben je erg goed het spotten van menselijke sporen maar ook de portretten mogen er zijn. Je werk herinnerd me enigszins aan het werk van Max Pam, een soort verbazing over de dagelijks dingen.
-Pascal van Heech
 London / Amsterdam

Fantastisch gedaan, ik denk dat er maar weinig mensen op het FotoFestival Naarden zo'n mooie fotodocumentaire over het gehele gebeuren hebben gemaakt. Iedere keer als ik naar je site kijk krijg ik steeds meer waardering voor wat je voor het fotofestival fotografisch gedaan hebt.
-Willem Wernsen
 Apeldoorn, The Netherlands

Herman Krieger fotografeert geen sonsondergangen of bloemen in de achtertuin, hij maakt 'essays'. De onderwerpen vond Herman in heel Amerika en elke foto is een combinatie van een aparte situatie en een passende of spitsvondige ondertitel. De stijl is documentair en de zwartwit foto's zijn met sorg gemaakt. Door het grote aantal samenhangende foto's is een bezoek aan de site meer dan de moeite waard.
-Mark Moed, Online Editor
 Focus Magazine

Your wonderfully lighthearted, psychologically numbing Mall pics, I just love them. You have a proper Soul!
-George Magenta
 Santa Maria, California

I defintely rate this site "G" (for groan). The late great Issac Asminov noted that one never laughts at a great pun, one groans. He considered it the most original form of humor (a sentiment that I share). Wonderful images, a wicked good sense of humor and an attention to detail that's second to none. Thanks for putting this site up!
-Bernie Kubiak
 Amherst, Mass.

I enjoyed your display. You are truly, a very prolific photographer with a good eye for people.
-Dick Kraus, Staff Photographer (Retired)
 Newsday, Long Island, NY

En effet, vos photos sont magnifiques!
-Pierre Wetzel, Photographe
 Bordeaux, France

Bravo pour vos images et votre sens de l'approache humaine.
-Olivier Corvisier

I'm full of admiration for your technique! It is a pity not to have such a teacher here. I would be very glad to see you and your photographs in Poland!
-Marek Jamka

Your photographs are amazing. I would like to use some of them at various intervals in the magazine gallery.
-George Fiotakis, Art Director
 Fotoart Magazine, Athens, Greece

Your images combined with the use of captions simply bowled me over. A truely wonderous site to revisit to lighten one's heart.
-Andrew Bellis, Staff Photographer
 Greater Manchester Weekly News, UK

I really enjoyed viewing your photographs. Many photographers have made photos that record a event or place that follow all the "rules", however, their images lack a relationship in the subject matter that will be viewed as amusing, or that provides commentary. You have the gift that is very hard to come by and that is the ability to see relationships that most of us would have missed. When I view your photographs I am reminded of Elliott Erwitt's work.
-Eric Shindelbower
 Huntsville, Alabama

Herman Krieger entretient la tradition du photo-essay. Il port son regard sur une Amérique d'hommes et de femmes dans leur quotidien ordinaire. Ses images sont avant tout message d'amour et de simplicité.

-Pascal Nieto, Editeur

Your work is on a very high level! It is more interesting and also has many unique qualities which places it far above the ordinary.

-Huib Limberg
 Soest, The Netherlands

As a fellow photographer, I felt compelled to let you know how much I enjoyed this series of photos. They're fantastic. Full of ironic juxtapositions and clever commentary. Funny and sad at the same time.
-Michael Barnes
 Victoria BC, Canada

Your images are great!---nice abstract qualities combined with irony, humor and pathos. Good going!!
-Peter Vogt
 Washington, DC

Very engaging shooting. I really enjoyed the images.
-Ben Flock
 Toronto, Ontario

Your photo essays are amazing! I enjoy your b&w work very much - the pictures themselves are very good. But the way your stories are built up, the themes, the hidden stories in everyday life - the way you are expressing your observations are simply amazing.
-Henning Jansen
 Stavenger, Norway

Vous avez une photographie qui me plaît beaucoup. Sous un aspect très "calmement photographique", vous avez une grande profondeur critique. Votre humour permet de poser les vraies questions...
-Patrick Devresse

I watched the story about you on the OPB TV "Oregon Art Beat" program. It was so good! Your work is so productive and important! Wow!
-Guy Weese
 Springfield, Oregon

Very, very enjoyable photo essays. Your witticism makes me laugh, I especially liked your pictures of the Naarden Festival as they aptly capture the essence of that photo fest.
-Hans van der Est
 Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Photos with the satire of Robert Frank combined with Elliott Erwitt's humor.
-EJ Haas
 Thailand / New York

I really enjoyed looking at your work.
-Roger M. Richards, Editor
 Digital Vision Network

I absolutely love your photographs. They remind me in some ways of Nathan Lyon's work. Gary Winogrand also comes to mind, and I love your sense of compostion. Thank you for sharing it.
-David Marks
 Sante Fe, New Mexico

Great job, great titles, and a great sense of humor. Our photography majors will certainly make use of your work.
-Jim Raymo, Dept. of Art
 Wayne State University

I found your work most entertaining and worthwhile. Your portraits are strong, direct, and honest - with no pretense or imposed stylization as in Avedon's America West.
-Gerald Davey
 San Antonio College

Being a Dutchman I appreciated your contribution "Fotofestival Naarden" on Focusgallery. However, I did not know that you shot many other photo essays containing lots of humour. Your imagination for composing so many witty frames and adding sharp titles seems to be unlimited. My favorite is "Immaculate Delivery" in the "Churches ad hoc" essay".
-Hans Hendriksen
 The Netherlands

I just visited your site, "Day in the Life of a Veterinarian", and really enjoyed it. I couldn’t resist viewing your other work as well and loved Churches... I don’t need to tell you how clever you are with your titles or what a wonderful eye you have. But at the very least I will say that you held my attention which is rare these days.
-Bev Spark, Fine Art Dog Photography
 Seattle, WA

Very nice work. I thoroughly enjoyed traveling around your wonderful website.
-John Rosenthal
 Chapel Hill, NC

I really enjoyed viewing your work. Hopefully, your stunning work will inspire these young photographers from around the globe to put the emphasis into the strength of the image and not try to rely on music, text, and other special effects.
-Jeff Greene, Microsoft Pro Photo Community
 Sammamish, WA

Herman Krieger has a really good knack for really bad puns, But for all that, I think he's done a pretty darn good job in this set of documenting the look and feel of a very typical Murkin experience—the mall visit. But hey, even a couple of the puns are pretty good—"Mall Nourishment," for example. I often wonder why [other] photographers don't care more about documentary projects, and don't care more about the ordinary lives of ordinary people.
I find Herman's documentary photography poignant: the settings are usually plebeian but the people look honest and friendly. I feel Herman's presence in his pictures: people seem to face him openly and with good humor. I'd love to see him work. He clearly has a knack.
Herman is a great "pure" documentarian in the tradition of Milton Rogovin. I always enjoy looking at Herman's plainspoken but insightful reports of the people and places he sees.

-Mike Johnston, The Online Photographer

Wonderful set of pix-great eye-reminds me of "the decisive moment"--beautifully captured and-well seen, but you should be punished for your captions.
-Bruce Hedge
 Victoria, Australia

While I was going though the site & looking at the images, I somehow couldn't help but think about all those great photographers & their images capturing America thoughout the decades, Robert Frank, Walker Evans, etc., etc. etc., ....but then I thought your images "are" the images of "these" decades & then I somehow "stopped" thinking about others. Its a great body of "continuity", & of course the sense of humor always stands out. I for one, would like to think everyone is a Street Photographer but in reality, only some "are".
-Johnny Mobasher
 Manchester, England

Enjoyed very much looking through your photographs, particularly your images of malls. I've been there--done that, photographing malls in the mid 80s. What amazes me is how nothing has changed throughout the years. And your talent by way of humor make these painfully banal habitats a vibrant subject matter.
-Prof. Stephen DiRado, Arts Dept., Clark Univ.
 Worcester, MA

Hi, I'm a beginning photography student at the University of Alabama. Browsing the internet for rural/documentary photography and I came across you and I'm pleased I did. Many of your images resemble work that I have done and after looking through your collection I must say that I feel accomplished in a sense being that you're very talented. I find myself driving through run down towns and along small country roads in search of lifestyles lost to urban society. I just wanted you to know I appreciate your work and you've given me the inspiration to keep shooting these lost scenes!
-Meredith Miles
 Tuscaloosa, Alabama

I love your [Blue River Anthology] essay, especially "Pat Stanley" and "Jan Fleshman". Knowing that you made those pictures without the luxury of "chimping" makes them all the more enjoyable. I love your "Churches ad hoc". Wonderful sense of humor with a gifted eye for compostion. "Disestablishment" sums it all up.
-Stephen Crowley, NY Times Staff Photographer
 Washington, D.C.

It was a pleasure having an opportunity to visit, however briefly, with you during my presentation and exhibit in Eugene. I truly enjoy your "Churches ad hoc: A Divine Comedy" book. What a wonderful sense of humor you have! I congratulate you. I enjoyed looking at your website, by the way.
-Peter Goin, Professor of Art
 University of Nevada, Reno

Photographer Herman Krieger captures the overlooked moment of the everyday with subtle flair, a keen eye for the human condition and no small amount of humor. His environmental portraits share an aesthetic thread with noted “street photographers”such as Lee Friedlander and Garry Winogrand.
-David Staton, Director, Springfield Art Museum
 Springfield, Oregon

I find your work of absolutely excellence. I just love it. I took the liberty of making a post on my blog about you.
"His works depict a hidden, sad, decaying and lost face of America - an image that apparently has nothing to do with Hollywood, George Bush, NASA or Empire State Building. Is it or isn't it? I immensely love the work of Mr. Krieger. Apart from the sadness and nostalgia, his images are full of a tender humour... His site is a must see."

- Cristian Crisbasan
 Bucharest, Romania

I really have enjoyed looking at your photos. You've done a wonderful job with "environmental portraiture" with all those shots of people in small town [Blue River Anthology] settings . In addition, the black and white tones are rich and its refreshing to see someone shooting in the square 120 format. I've always thought that the square format is a great way to break that vertical/horizontal way most photographer tend to think.
- Ed Deasy
 Charlottesville, Va

I have seen some of your pictures for years and I think you're a great photographer. I do like very much your B & W images.
- Jose Manuel Serrano Esparza
 Leica Historical Society

Nice church photographs. Hysterical captions. I also liked your rural photographs. I'll pass these along to my colleagues.
- James Estrin, Senior Staff Photographer, NY Times
 New York, NY

Your site is enchanting in every way. Just loved it.
- Mike Plews, Chief Photographer, WOWT-TV
 Omaha, Nebraska

I like your site - lots to view, and the pictures are really good. It's a personal site, not a commercial one, and I like it for that quality. Not cookie cutter, and it definitely holds one's interest. It's really a terrific union of words, ideas, and images- in a thoughtful, humorous manner.
- Lloyd Wolf
 Arlington, Virginia

I very much enjoyed the work on your site, esp. the Hamlets of Lane County. I lived in Portland for awhile and spent a lot of time exploring the rural backroads of Oregon.
- Stephen Voss
 Washington, D.C.

I truly enjoyed your website and would have loved to have see your work from earlier years (in Detroit) as well.
- Ryan Spencer Reed
 Ludington, Michigan

I very much admire the rich tonal range you are able to maintain throughout various lighting situations. Highlight and shadow detail are there with a good black so no part of the tonal range has been sacrificed to serve a bias. A rare feat.
- Alan Pogue
 Texas Center for Documentary Photography

I love your photographs. Can I borrow some to show them in a post in my blog? I will link your website in it.
- Cristina Garay

I would like to thank you for the beautiful photographs on your website. I am studying towards a Bachelor of Media Arts, majoring in Photography. I am currently working on a freelance project on a Primary school here in the Waikato district. Your photographs have inspired me and helped me to structure my project.
- Claudia Aalderink  New Zealand

I really enjoyed the book, "Churches ad hoc", & appreciate your eye for visual humor. Funny photos are usually contrived but yours aren't ---you've got a great eye for detail & irony!
- Dale O'Dell
 Prescott, Arizona

Junction City Junction is a great photo series, Herman! I've heard you say that a place is all about its people. I think you really captured the place with this, not just with the whole collection, which makes me feel like I live there, but each individual photograph also captures a place-and-time nugget.
 John Ritchie
 Corvallis, Oregon

The images on your site are absolutely beautiful. Love your work.
- Vasil Boglev
 Sydney, Australia

It's really quite lovely all that you're doing, and even more amazing all that you've done in life. You have a great way with people, and it shows in all your portraits.
- Mike Peters, Staff Photographer
 Montclair State Univ., New Jersey

enjoyed seeing your Cuba portfolio. Nice work! It's refreshing to see good black & white work in a place so often associated with color.
- Paul Carter, Asst. Director Photo/Graphics, Register-Guard
 Eugene, Oregon

Thank you Herman. It was very nice to see Havana through your eyes. They are really beautiful. You make me laugh, Yes, craters in the pavement are famous in Cuba. I never photographed Havana's street and now I have some regrets. i am glad you did it!!
- niurka barroso
 Toronto ,Canada

Muy bonitas y de gran calidad humana e interpretativa.
- Reinaldo Alvarez, Fondo Cubano de la Imagen Fotográfica
 Milan, Italy

Well, your photographs are fantastic. Such a nice documentary style.
- Dan Callis, Photographer, Havana Workshops
 Halifax, NS, Canada

Muy bien ... muy interesante su trabajo es muy interesante su vida ... donde vive en la actualidad
- Rogelio Portal
 Tarragona, Spain

I like your website and I really enjoyed your bio, Herman. I think you were wise to do photography before and after, and not try to make a living with it "in between" during your most productive years.
- Rudy Owens
 Portland, Oregon

I admire your work immensely. I viewed your other essays online and really enjoyed seeing your Eugene images along with the many others. The compositions are very strong along with the tonal quality of the BW images.
- Phillip Malik
 San Francisco, California

I am delighted to have discovered your work and am enjoying studying your photos. I am sure the visitors to my site would also be really interested.
- Anne Darling
 Poitou-Charentes, France

Excellent photos [of Havana]. I love it that you shot in black and white. Keep traveling - and keep taking photos! You have quite a gift.
-Karin Muller, Filmmaker
 Ventura, California

Very good images of Cuba! Thanks for sharing them :-)
-Robert Leon
 Vancouver BC, Canada

I have been sitting here in London (hungover) laughing at your captions and loving your pictures. In the hard bitten of world London photography yours is a 'site for sore eyes.
-Alex Schneideman
 London, UK

"Junction City Junction" is a great example of a self assignment. One thing I like about it is that it has smaller parts. He’s broken the larger project down by street; each street functions equally well alone or as part of the larger whole. Each portion is a manageable chunk while the larger whole provides plenty of room (literally) to expand the project.
And, the photographs are great.

-Michael Meyer
 Brooklyn, NY

Levando o post do Nanã a extremos: a simplicidade da Ansco nesta experiência do fotógrafo Herman Krieger,

Eheheheheh...podem fazer-se grandes fotografias com qualquer camera! Do ponto de vista da qualidade, estas, tendo em conta a camera usada, estão fabulosas.

-Helcio Tagliolatto (Hjusioli), Moderator Esquina da Foto
 Sao Paulo, Brazil

Your Springfield portfolio is a marvel. (Even with those captions.) I seldom see any Americana less pretentious or, don't know a single word to put in apposition. Compelling? Vivid? Moving? Honest? Serene? I suppose Hemingway would've said "true," but he'd say that about landing a fish. Anyway I guess you know what I mean, since you're doing it, not saying it.
-Les Hancock
 Santa Fe, NM

I've only just started viewing your black and white essays and I have particularly enjoyed the moods you have caught in Mall-aise and your warm and sympathetic portraits in both Hamlets of Lane County and Hobby Field. What a blessing for us that you came back to photography!
-Patrick Ward
 Walton, Surrey, UK

Herman Krieger's camera captures, with compassion and wit, the contradictions and the beauty of the commonplace.
-Sue Coe, Graphic Artist
 Deposit, NY

Herman Krieger of Eugene is a photographer with a great sense of humor, and an eye for the unexpected. Krieger has a talent for finding interesting juxtapositions of subjects, which he arranges in interesting photo essays. His work tends to deal with human relationships, persons in their own environment.
-Hester Coucke, Curator, The Arts Center
 Corvaliis, Oregon

I enjoyed looking at your gallery of black-and-white photos shot in Cuba. They were a fascinating contrast to the color images one normally sees from photographers who have visited that country. I only wish I had known of your work when I was preparing my book on street photography. You have a real talent for convey the pace and flavor of a location.
-Gordon Lewis, Photographer, Author
 Elkins Park, PA

Congratulations on receiving an 'HONORABLE MENTION' award in Emerald Art Center's 'Photography at the Emerald Autumn Exhibition - 2016'.
Congratulations on receiving a $100 'HONORABLE MENTION' award in Emerald Art Center's 'Photography at the Emerald Autumn Exhibition - 2018'
Your entries are a wonderful display of artistic talent and vision.

-Donald R. Gustavson
 Springfield, Oregon

I was recently introduced to the work of Herman Krieger, a photographer living in Eugene, Oregon whose web site features a lot of black and white photo essays done with classic film cameras. Krieger uses some very fine classics including an Ikonta 6x6 rangefinder model, and his photos all have a crisp European style which probably can be attributed at least in part to thirty years residence in Holland. Interestingly, that same crisp style carries over to his pictures made with the simplest of cameras, an Ansco B-2 Cadet box camera.
-Mike Connealy
 Albuquerque, New Mexico

I loved your photos of Oregon libraries. You are a very good photographer!
-Robert Dawson
 San Francisco, California

The series "Churches ad hoc: A Divine Comedy", has just gone live on the front page of Bokeh Bokeh Photo. The series is hilarious. However, I enjoyed your biography page (ID or Ego) even more; what a great story.
-David Garnick, Editor
 San Francisco, California

-Robert Adams
 Astoria, Oregon

In partnership with the University of Washington (UW), PNPA seeks to acquire and preserve significant photographic materials. We are delighted to have your work in the archive, where it is stored at the UW Libraries in Seattle. Even thought our portion of the greater is collection is in its infancy, you (Herman Krieger) are among very good company, as we have already included regional icons like Mary Randlett and Craig Hickman.
-Bill Rhoades, President, Pacific Northwest Photographers Archive
 Madras, Oregon

[In reference to the forest fires in Oregon in 2020]
Herman, I made it up to Blue River yesterday and the business district is gone. So sad. I'm so glad you have your photographs. They are wonderful.
At some point, it would be really nice to do a story for the RG about your work and to get the photographs out so folks can see them.

-Andy Nelson, Staff photojournalist
-The Register-Guard. Eugene, Oregon
(Register Guard story later appeared)

I just wanted to tell you I found your photos and have enjoyed them, and your words on the photos sure kept me looking.
-Sherrlyn Borkgren
Eugene, Oregon

Thank you for this. What a wonderful exhibition.
-Alison Armstrong
Vancouver, Canada

Just stumbled across your amazing site from the Times comment section. I am so inspired..
-Peter Rentz, Online Product Designer
The New York Times
New York City
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I very much enjoyed the experience of seeing "Churches ad hoc". It is a resounding success, using any criterion-- artistic vision, photographic craft, intelligence and wit, trenchant social commentary. I'm especially impressed by the breadth of your audience; clearly your artistry transcends ideological statements and speaks to people of all faiths, or of no faith.
From our perspective, the wonderful photo "Fetal Position" speaks volumes.
-John Mugge
 Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Your photo essay is excellent! It is thought-provoking, insightful, and very observant.
-Ralph Becker
 Worldwide Marriage Encounter - Worcester, MA

Beautiful pictures. Congratulations! As we say in Hebrew, "kol ha-kavod" (all honor to you).
-Simcha Shtull, editor
 Jewish Heritage Online Magazine

I am very fond of Eastern Oregon, so I was delighted with your pictures of SE Oregon. My favorite is "Summer Storm over Winter Ridge".
-Bob Parvin

Thanks for bringing a chuckle to my otherwise dastardly day! I particularly liked "A Day in the Life of a Mobile Vet..". "Tripod" was particularly enjoyable. Your unique sense of humor was only matched by your photography skills.
-Diane Parsonnet

I thoroughly enjoyed your B/W photographs of churches, featured as a link on the Daily Bikini homepage. I couldn't help smiling while looking at every one of the featured photos and the all important captions. They ae a lot of fun. You are the Scott Adams of black and white photography.
-Jim Koeppel

Nos han encantado tus fotos del trabajo ed veterinarios, si vienes alguna vez a España sera bien recibido en nuestra Clínica. Very nice work.
-Joaquim Baucells
 Centre Veterinari de Tona, Spain

I enjoyed your pictures of both the vet and the churches. I sense a gift of laughter, a love of all God's creatures and a love for God the almighty.
-R. Caddell

Just visited "Churches ad hoc" and enjoyed VERY much. Happy Easter.
-Hugh Meyer

I love offbeat religious photography, particularly when Las Vegas makes a cameo appearance. I did enjoy surfing through your site and will mention it to my photographer and photojournalist friends. Happy Purim, Have a Nice Lent, or whatever.
-David Bader

Bravo pour l'originalité.
-Didier Muller, Lausanne, Switzerland

I enjoyed viewing your "Blue River Anthology". I'm a tourist from Minnesota, now encamped in Oceanshores, Washington for a few days, checked their website and found your pics. Love this part of the country, and your work is appreciated.
-Jim Radford

Who is the vet? Is he married? My vet is a lovely single girl and I was just wondering.

Your web page is fantastic, as are your photos. I really enjoyed the very funny and creative titles on your church show. You do seem good at having fun in your life. I have to get more involved in mine.

Kerken vanuit een vreemde hoek geklieked. Erg sterk! Herman Krieger heeft vroeger waarschijnlijk to veel met z'n knieèn op een harde rand bidden of zo. Z'foto's zijn stevig aan de byte maar behoorlijk offbeat.
-Joost vd Hoeven, Maarssen, The Netherlands

I've made a new version of the humor site and I wanted to let you know I've upgraded your site to three stars. It's really enjoyable
-Steve Willoughby

I just have to write and say that I enjoyed your photographs very much, but think the captions are just too much. Let the images speak for themselves and I think they will say a lot more than the captions. Sometimes saying nothing is better than saying something. Sorry if this offends.
-Ronnie Gaubatz

I have been going through your web page and I found your photographs to be brilliant - I had a great time checking them all out. In fact, some of them inspired me in the possible creation of some cover art for an upcoming cassette single release for my band. I would like to incorporate one of your photographs in the artwork. We are a very small band, and the cassettes will be of limited release.
I called the phone number that's on the billboard in "Papal Audience", I loved it!!!!

We enjoyed your photos. Do you have info about how to purchase your book? My wife is a book distributor.
-W.C. Ford

Thanks so much for "Churches ad hoc". This is one of the most unusual web site I've seen. The captions are marvelous! And what is it about black and white photography that makes it so appealing? I'm very impressed and will tell my friends. I'm off to visit some of your other selections now.
-Val Rowe

Thank you for the interesting pictures I used in a didactic course about Veterinary Biosafety; in particular I used the operatory setting.
-Dr. Sandra Mazzoli
 Univ. of Florence, Italy

Love your photos on the web site.
-Daniel Horowitz, Director, American Studies Program
 Smith College

I loved the website. I have linked it to my own webpage.
-Richard Wilk, Professor, Anthropology Dept.
 Indiana University

I enjoyed the website and will share it with my students.
-Jo Paoletti, Assoc. Professor of American Studies
 University of Maryland

I suppose I must be an "other" since I am a freethinking Christian who is also a photographer and I have been accused of being a word-ly one. So be it. I enjoyed your twisted and slightly irreverent humor in the selections for Churches ad hoc. Each of them ought to be a bulletin cover or a poster promoting church attendance. Thank you for shining the "mote" of your eye upon the beam of our collective eye.
-Richard Edwards, Lost Coin Ministries
 Alberta, Canada

A few weeks ago I visited your website and thoroughly enjoyed your pics and sense of humor. I was touched by your remembrance of your dog Fido. Today I had to put to sleep a very best friend, my dog Buddy. Like Fido they shared old age and old fashioned names. I feel the loss of him immensely and know time will heal. I guess I just needed to talk to someone who obviously felt the same about a special friend.
-Lynn Connor
 Nova Scotia, Canada

Great and not so great. I have a brother who's in the California Medical Facility in Vacaville. I've been searching the internet for photos of the Medical Facility my brother is in, but couldn't seem to find any. I suppose there's not much difference from one prison to the next. Thanks for your touching photos, they are great.
 Sacramento, Califoria

Very good pictures.
-Dr. Khalid Shouq, Veterinary News & Views
 Faisalabad, Pakistan

I really liked going through your essays, of course the mobile vet one!
-Dr. Rolf Krieger, Department of Animal Welfare
 Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Bonn, Germany

My husband and me are vets in Switzerland with a practice for small and large animals. We have three children, and I love to watch your homepage with them. The pictures are wonderful and so typical for our profession. You are really an artist.
-Yvonne von Schulthess
 Huttwil, Switzerland

Your pictorial day of a vet is just great. These are absolutely beautiful pictures and they give a feel for what it is really like.
-Elanor Freeman, Riverside Veterinary Clinic
 Bewdley, Worcester, UK

I had enjoyed your photographs that I have seen in exhibits over the years. I thoroughly enjoyed the photos on your site. You manage to strike a careful balance between either being too hard-edged or overly sympathetic toward your subjects. You combine a documentary style with an undercurrent of both warmth and humor that softens the documentary approach. And what a great sence of humor--your captions in 'Churches ad hoc' are as inspired as the photographs!
-David Kelly, City Councilor
 Eugene, Oregon

I really enjoyed the pictures [Hirer Education]. There's such a desperate strangeness to empty, towering college stadiums...especially in black and white. I think "Affirmative Action" is my favorite
-David Epstein, Inside Higher Ed
 Washington, DC

I especially liked Affirmative Action, Business School, Bush League and the mental health/stadium shots. I did enjoy them. I'm still smiling. Nice job.
-David Kayfes, Sports Writer (Retired), The Register-Guard
 Eugene, Oregon

Hace usted que las situaciones nos sorprendan y resulten a la vez familiares. La mirada queda "atrapada" en el guiño genial e irónico, tierno e inteligente de sus fotos. Lo admiro profundamente.
-Juan Carlos Valero Lazaga
 Murcia, Spain

I appreciate your letting me look thru your assortment of photos. The sports ones-- especially at the Univ. of Oregon-- reinforce the ludicrous ironies that flow from that place of unreality.
-George Beres, UO Sports Information Director (Retired)
 Eugene, Oregon

I would like permission to use an image from "Churches ad hoc" on the cover of Planning & Environmental Law. Your photographs are certainly a work of art! Iconic, as contrasted to the conventional . . . .
-Lisa Barton, American Planning Assn.
 Chicago, Ill.

Crud, Herman, I just now realized that it's YOUR photography and the fantastically witty captions. That's awesome! They're very, very cool.
-Bill Harris, Gaming Columnist
 Austin, Texas.

Your pictures featuring the Riverbank Bike Paths are beautiful and your website is a great resource for people interested in the bike paths along the Willamette River.
-Peter DeFazio, Member of Congress
 Washington, DC, and Springfield, OR

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your photos of the American mall landscape. They touched me immensely as someone who has been in the retail business for many years and is now about to bring that career to a close. Many memories flashed through my mind as I looked at your photos; images of great stores that once delighted and are now in the past (Hudsons, Crowley's, Jacobson's, Meir and Frank, Marshall Field, and on and on).
-Jonathan Lander, Global Retail Director, Nike Inc.
 Portland, OR

Your Bio was the most fun I think I've ever seen. The photo essays, as usual, are great...funny and insightful.
-David Zarzycki
 Eugene, OR

You have not only given us wonderful art but you have also captured our history and froze it in time so others can enjoy it forever.
- Gerald Hoff, Diversity representative
 Univ. of Michigan University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor

I felt the need to tell you that my father Lyle Albertson passed away on the 15th of May of brain cancer. I wanted to say thank you for taking the photo of my father while you were in Junction City . We plan to use it during his service as I and his wife feel that it really captures him beautifully. Without knowing at the time, you left us with a wonderful gift and I appreciate it greatly.
-Nathan Albertson.
 Junction City, OR

Great stuff -- I'm loving the mall photos.
-Matt Green
 Brooklyn, NY

Wow, Your wonderful photo essays were fabulous to see. Thanks a lot.
-John Brombaugh, Organ Builder
 Eugene, OR

Thank you to photographer Herman Krieger, who took the story's photo of Gingold and his son, for sharing this old news clip.
-Timothy Judd, Violinist, Richmond Symphony Orchestra
 Richmond, VA

Thank you so much for the article with your great photo of Josef Gingold!! He's a legend around here. A phenomenal teacher and an exceptional person.
-Stephen Wyrczynski, Professor, Jacobs School of Music
 Indiana University

What an insightful and delightful article. Your photo of Mr. Gingold and George is wonderful.
-Anne Shih Prof., Hochschule fuer Musik
 Mainz, Germany

You take lovely photos. I looked through many in your photo website. I love all the black and whites. You have a great eye! Very impressive. You've done such a beautiful job capturing your neighborhood and the folks that work in the area.
-Kim Williams, Oakway Center
 Eugene, Oregon

I wanted to take the opportunity to say how delighted I am browsing your website. I’m impressed with your work, and the richness of your biography page is just marvellous!
-Luthien (Maike) Dulk, Graphic Designer
 Leiden, the Netherlands

Content is king! Tonal quality is a fetish sort of thing. Most people won't notice it much but they will notice an excellent shot, and you got lots of those. Your pictures have a good look to them too.
-Tim Link, Audio Technician
 Eugene, Oregon

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